Sunday, June 23, 2013

Raising Funds While Having Fun

Lately, I've been feeling more and more push (is that the word?) to raise money for Hope Water Project. I want to fund-raise, but I don't want to 'hit people up' for money.

So as I was thinking about what I could do that would make fundraising a win-win situation for all parties involved, I thought about what I could offer to my donors. Surely, the Girl Scouts have cookies covered, right?

And then I thought about my card-making. I could create one-of-a-kind greeting cards that could be 'purchased' with donations to Hope Water Project! Genius!!!

I've contacted the 'higher-ups' in HWP to discuss the best way to do this (while ensuring that my donors' contributions remain tax-deductible) and hope to start 'selling' soon!

In training news...
Duane and I had a great 12-mile bike ride around Stony Creek Metropark today. Cross training (exercise other than running: biking, yoga, tennis, etc.) is super important for building the muscles that don't get used as much when running. You want to make sure that you keep your whole body strong.

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Thank you so much for your encouragement! Your support and prayers will help me to reach my goal of 26.2 miles!