Saturday, July 27, 2013

I'm A Half Marathoner... X2

As a runner, you learn that you'll have good days and you'll have bad days. It's an unfortunate reality, but it's true.

I was blessed enough to have an awesome day at the Rock 'n' Roll Chicago Half Marathon last week. I've never run with such a big smile on my face for so long. Every step just felt right.

The day started early with about a half mile walk to the start line from our hotel. The atmosphere was exhilarating and we were all pumped. We had energy chews and a plan. And that was all we needed.

The goal was to finish somewhere around two and a half hours. Jenn, Stephanie and I were running together and Duane was way ahead of us running solo.

About every mile, there was a new band playing for us, so I didn't even bring my ear buds. I let the bands and the crowds keep me going. The spectators were great! We saw so many fun signs along the course. Some were truly motivating, while others were just there to keep our spirits up. A few of my faves:
Keep running, they're gaining on you.
Run like there are really hott guys waiting at the finish line.
There will come a day when you can no longer do this. Today is not that day.
Go, Stranger, Go!
It's not that serious. Just don't suck!
Keep running. People are watching.
 Hearing everyone cheer us on really gave us the energy to finish strong. The supporters lining the course as we approached the finish line were awesome!

The girls crossed the finish line holding hands with a time of 2:34:26 and we were thrilled! As a volunteer went to hand me my finisher's medal, I insisted that she put it on me and she was more than happy to oblige.

Of course, the very next day I drove up to our local running shop and purchased my 13.1 sticker for the back of my truck. I earned it.

In training news...
I tried GU for the first time this week. Blech! Not for me. I had the vanilla flavor which tasted like vanilla mixed with Slim Jim. Delicious on their own, but never meant to be combined. It left a weird feeling in my mouth for the rest of the run, too, so I'll be sticking with energy chews.

Speaking of energy chews: I found a new one that I like. PowerBar Cola Energy Blasts. It actually tastes like Pepsi! It also has caffeine in it (and I don't drink caffeine on average), so maybe it gives me an extra boost? Not really sure, but they're delish!

Oh, did I mention that we ran ANOTHER Half Marathon today? It wasn't an official 'race', but our training schedule called for 13.1 miles today and we ran it with the Hope Water Project team. It was a great run followed by a great breakfast!

Tomorrow is a rest day, and I'm really looking forward to that! Next Saturday, our long run is only 10 miles. Never did I think I'd EVER say, "only 10 miles". Perspective, I guess.

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Thank you so much for your encouragement! Your support and prayers will help me to reach my goal of 26.2 miles!